As more people start working from home, having a comfortable office arrangement has become of the utmost importance, and for traditional offices, the trend towards having a healthy, happy workplace is continuously on the rise. From in-office kitchens with fancy coffee machines and free snacks, having high quality furniture is no longer considered a luxury, but a necessity for keeping employees content.

Two of the biggest and most divisive trends in the work world are standing desks and ergonomic chairs. Some employees swear that they work better while standing, whereas others insist that they need a fancy chair to be productive. So, if you’re looking at upgrading your office space, whether for your home office or your employees, deciding between standing desks and ergonomic chairs is a huge decision, so let’s take a look at the benefits and drawbacks of both.

Standing Desk: Pros

The main benefit of a standing desk is that it keeps you moving, which enables better blood circulation and can help you burn calories while you work. Sitting in the same position for too long can lead to back pain and long-term health issues, all of which can be avoided by standing. People also tend to practice better posture while standing as opposed to sitting, which is good for the spine and strengthens the core muscles. Some studies have also shown that people are more productive when they are standing and that meetings that take place while employees are standing are shorter than seated meetings, saving valuable working time.

Standing Desk: Cons

Just as sitting for too long isn’t healthy, standing for sustained periods of time strains the body and can lead to inflammation and fatigue. For people with joint pain or injuries, standing for hours on end can be dangerous.

From a logistical side, standing desks can be troublesome if they aren’t adjustable. Everyone is a different height, and if you wear high heels to work one day and flats the next, it’s important to be able to change the height. It’s also worth considering getting a desk that can alternate between sitting and standing in case you injure yourself or decide you want to sit down for a little while. However, an adjustable standing desk will sort this out but it is often more expensive.

If you are using the standing desk for gaming, then it is also important to get a gaming standing desk as it provides additional features for gaming.

Ergonomic Chair: Pros

If you’re going to sit while working, you should invest in an ergonomic chair. Ergonomic chairs are designed with leading research on comfort and productivity and are much more comfortable than ordinary chairs. Cheap office chairs are mass-produced and are all the same, which doesn’t allow for any individualization or adjustments. Ergonomic chairs, however, are designed with a special curved backboard to mimic the natural flow of the spine and provide more support. They also have adjustable heights and headrests, so if multiple people are going to be using the same chair, it’s worth investing in something that can be tailored to the user’s personal needs.

In addition to the physical benefits of ergonomic chairs, their level of comfort will keep you happy while you’re working, boosting employee morale and encouraging positivity in the workplace.

Ergonomic Chair: Cons

The main drawback to an ergonomic chair is the price. While there are some ergonomic chairs to be found for below $200, most run between $200-$800, if not more, so decorating an entire office with them could get pretty pricey. Also, sitting for too long in any chair isn’t healthy, so even if you have an ergonomic chair, at some point or another you’ll need to stand up and move around. Since there is such a great variety of ergonomic chairs, it can also be hard to find one that will please everyone, so if you are buying furniture for your entire office, finding the right ergonomic chairs might be difficult.

Which is Best For You

At the end of the day, standing desks and ergonomic chairs both have their benefits, and alternating between sitting and standing is probably the ideal way of working. If your office space allows for it, you can always try both and see which works best for you, but no matter what you decide, you should invest in what will make you or your employees most comfortable while working.