For online business traffic is lifeblood. Grabbing their attention towards your website is challenging. Without healthy flow, your business cannot be scaled. No consistent traffic means there will be no leads, without which no new consumers will be earned from your website. So, how to get more visitors visit your website?

How to gain more quality visitors?

Organic traffic and Pay per Click are two routes, which you can choose to take. Traffic that comes from search engine on the basis of how well your website is optimized is organic and for free. In other words, a person comes in search of your business and lands on your website from SERPS means you are getting organic traffic.  Now, many searchers never open the second Google page, which is the main reason why top spots in SERPs are so crucial. Sustaining those top spots on SERPs with specific relevant keywords is like having a store on busy street, where prospective consumers will certainly walk in.

Why organic traffic is crucial?

Search ranking is cutthroat, so it is difficult to claim and sustain the top spot for organic search. So, majority of online marketers choose Pay per Click route. PPC are paid ads, which offers your business fast visibility but the stipulation here is the moment you stop paying, your visibility and traffic stops.

With organic search traffic, you gain staying power. Let’s get familiar with benefits of organic traffic search and communication campaigns irreplaceable value.

Brings highly qualified prospects

Lots of traffic looks appealing in numbers but how many of them converts indicate traffic quality. How to determine visitor quality?  —-through search intent.

Searchers have a specific intent to visit your website. You need to satisfy their intent. Prospective customers search intent needs to be understood first, so use targeting keywords strategically. The four types of keywords searchers use are –

  1. Informational keywords – Used for gaining information, insight of a specific topic, desire solutions to a problem or clear their doubts.
  2. Navigational keywords – Used to look for specific website.
  3. Transactional keywords – Used when ready to convert.
  4. Commercial keywords – Most likely they are buy-ready.

Other benefits you can get from understanding visitors search intent is to –

  • Deliver more relevant content to manipulate prospect’s purchase decision.
  • Shorten the prospect’s sales cycle by offering what they desire at right moment.
  • Facilitate a conversion rapidly by quickly monitoring transition from low to high awareness through your content.

Awareness matters because the quicker your visitor perceives your super solution to their issues the quicker conversion occurs. Therefore monitor buyer’s journey!

You gain competitive edge

If you top search results then it becomes easy to dominate the market. Your competitors will not be able to steal your content, so the experience you offer your visitors is exclusive. Keeping visitors engaged on your website will make you an expert in your niche. You will get opportunities to get links because many bloggers will look for a chance to acquire backlinks from your website.

It is cost-effective

Paid traffic is an expensive strategy but going organic means low cost and high impact. Even if you invest in content creation, brand building, and social media marketing for developing an organic strategy then these will increase in value overtime. Even after you stopped paying for the SEO activities you will obtain traffic as you have built an ecosystem, which fuels itself. Overtime a cumulative effect occurs, which sounds fantastic!