There are many services today that offer tools to help you with your SEO campaigns. These include website themes that optimize your posts/pages, reseller hosting accounts that come with premium SEO tools, analytics tools that help track SEO searches, and more. But at the end of the day, you need to know the right techniques and techniques to make use of these tools and resources. Here are some of the most effective SEO techniques that you can use today to give your website rankings a big boost.
1. Optimize for Faster Site Loading Speed
How fast your website loads is a SEO ranking factor that many website owners are overlooking. Loading speed has been a ranking factor for years and Google has recently made it part of the mobile search results rankings not too long ago. While optimizing for loading speed can be a technical process, there are many different things you can do from enabling browser caching, compressing your images, minifying your code, to switching to a faster reseller hosting plan. Do what you can on your own and get help when you need it.
2. Improve Your Engagement
There is no official declaration by Google that engagement metrics have an impact on search rankings. However, there is some evidence that suggests it may be a factor. It’s also natural that it will be the next evolution in Google’s search engine algorithm with the release of the Google RankBrain update since Google is all about providing value to users. By working to increase your engagement with better design, copy, and content, you can also increase your rankings.
3. Recycle Old Content
Just because a piece of content was written a couple of years ago doesn’t mean that it no longer has any value. You can easily update, add to, and rewrite your old content. This is especially effective if the topic you’ve written about was a big hit with your audience. It’s also a cheaper and faster way to create quality content. You don’t need to spend so much time on research and most of the time, you simply need to make the content relevant to the current times.
4. Link Out to Authoritative Resources
There’s a reason why more websites are linking to helpful resources. It goes beyond adding value to their visitors and can help their pages actually rank higher. Google can determine the quality and relevancy of your page by the outgoing links. This kind of content is also seen as more authoritative by Google. It may possible extend to your site if multiple pages on your site are optimized in this manner.
5. Use Your Analytics Data to Discover New Keywords
Even though you’ve probably spent a lot of time on keyword research, it’s impossible to compile a comprehensive list. As you create pages and produce content for these pages, you’ll find that many of the keywords used to land on these pages are not what you optimized for. By digging around your analytics data and searching for keyword referrals, you’ll be able to come up with a list of keywords that you haven’t thought of. Now you have a new set of keywords to optimize for and attract traffic with.
6. Take the Content Marketing Approach for Links
Getting links through traditional outreach campaigns still work, but it’s getting increasingly harder to acquire links in this manner. It feels like getting links naturally through content marketing seems to be a more efficient way to approach link building. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should abandon outreach campaigns if they are working for you. But you should try putting more of your resources into content marketing to see if it’s a more efficient way for you to build links.
7. Use AMP for Mobile Users
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) is a new format that allows you to create pages that loads very quickly on mobile devices. One trend that we’ve seen is content on AMP seems to rank higher in the mobile search results than regular pages. This might be something that Google is testing at the moment and there’s no telling if AMP will define the future of mobile websites. However, it is a trend that you will want to capitalize on if you’re engaging in mobile SEO.
8. Design Your Content
With so many of your competitors producing similar content, it’s becoming more important to design your content. You want your content to use unique typography, include relevant images, have proper formatting, and even include multimedia (videos, audio streams, animated GIFs). A content designed in this manner will stand out far more than a regular block of text. It will also increase engagement on your website which can help you with your rankings and improve conversion rates.
9. Create Longer Form Content
There have been many SEO experts now that have reported that pages with longer form content ranked better than shorter content. Many ran tests that showed content with 1500 words or more ranked better than content with 500 words or less. This might be due to indirect factors such as higher engagement, more relevant keywords used, and more websites preferring to link to authoritative content. Even if this is the case, the results you get from producing higher word content are the same. It is definitely worth the extra effort to producing authoritative content.
To conclude, it’s all about implementing the right techniques and strategies to help you get the most out of your SEO campaigns. So before you rush to your SEO tools, take some time to learn more about SEO and what’s currently working in the industry today. It will allow you extract more value out of your tools and use them more effectively to enhance your SEO results.