Template Suggestion for 1~7 Feb

Greetings, blogger! It’s now the time again for you all to suggest excellent WordPress theme to be converted into Blogger template!

The rule is same, you suggest WordPress theme, we review and convert 1 of all suggestion to Blogger template in scheduled time. So start giving your suggestion, it’s time to get your own theme!

Update: This round of suggestion is officially closed

We are excited to announce this round of template suggestion is officially closed and the chosen theme is Desk Mess suggested by Lucy! We have also received essential vote to convert the Zinmag Tribune, so we decided to convert and publish Zinmag Tribune in 8~14 Feb, enjoy and ready for the next template suggestion, thanks!

Here’s how the game runs:

You can search your favorite WordPress theme based on the Suggestion Source below. Once you found your true love, you can leave a comment with the theme’s name and address then we would take your suggestion into review for conversion to Blogger template. We would check, review and choose 1 of all suggestion for conversion in 1~7 February 2009, let’s build best Blogger template!

Great suggestion from the round 1!

In the last suggestion post, we have converted Color Paper and Zinmag Remedy into Blogger template, while were still surprised by other great suggestion. Now we list out suggestions from round 1 to let you vote for its conversion, enjoy!

Zinmag Gamezine– probably the number 1 WordPress theme that everybody desired for.
Zinmag Tribune– another ultimate professional theme from Jinsona Design.
FreshCitrus– green, smooth and elegant, very comfortable theme!
Mystic Grunge– well, undeniably artistic!
WarmAutumn– similar with FreshCitrus, but has a higher degree of elegant.
LimeSquash– ‘Juicy elegant’, 3 column design with big beautiful date tab.

Suggestion source

As we have measured the compatibility of the WordPress theme , we allow only the theme included in the site below to be suggested for the conversion. Here is the list:



However, you can still suggest theme from other sites, with the fewer chance for it to be entered into the conversion list.

We would not convert Premium WordPress theme

In WordPress theme there’s actually got premium version such as Slidepress, which needs you to pay for use and surely illegal to be converted into template for Blogger. You are recommended to check the theme is whether free or not before making a suggestion. If it’s free, it’s always ready to be ported in Blogger platform.

We hold the final decision for conversion

Friendly speaking, we have the final decision for conversion, and this decision cannot be challenged by anyone with any words. It’s important to note that we would not give out any confirmation in comment that certain theme would be converted into template for Blogger. In this case, we would also not give out any reason that why your suggestion is not taken into conversion.

All the chosen theme would be listed into this suggestion article, and the remaining theme would be rolled over to next suggestion round, so your favorite theme would always have chance to become Blogger template, don’t worry be happy!

Hire us for conversion with reasonable price

Tired of waiting your desired template? We are available to convert your desired WordPress theme into Blogger template. You can visit service page to get more info about the feature and the price, do remember that we are always available for price and feature negotiation!

Thank you, and wait for your precious suggestion again!

Color paper and Zinmag Remedy Blogger template are stunning success for FalconHive and Blogger world, all we want to express is thank you for all your precious suggestion and support for the template! We know that tomorrow should be better, and hope for your great suggestion to make the Blogger world better, thanks!

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