When launching a new website, you have to think about the technical side of things. In addition to making the site look good with compelling visuals and smooth navigation, you also need to consider SEO and how you’ll drive traffic.

Nailing the SEO Basics

Developing and launching a website can be a bit of a whirlwind – a fun and exciting whirlwind, but a whirlwind nonetheless. There’s a lot to consider. From visual details like color schemes and layouts to technical aspects like hosting and coding, there’s a lengthy to-do list that seems to expand with each passing hour. But if you aren’t careful, one important element of website development can accidentally be pushed to the back burner. We’re talking about SEO, of course.

SEO isn’t something most business owners or web designers get excited talking about, but it plays an integral role in the success of building and growing a website’s traffic, authority, and visibility. And if you don’t start from the very beginning – with the very basics – you’ll end up with a faulty strategy that prevents your website from realizing its full potential.

If you do some online research of SEO tips, techniques, and best practices, you’ll find that most are aimed at existing websites. And though some of these strategies can still be of use to you, it’s smart to rewind and take it from the beginning.

The following SEO basics are simple, yet integral in launching a website and building out an initial SEO strategy that can be optimized and sophisticated in the months after launch. Take a look:

  1. Work With an Agency

Let’s be clear about one thing: Anyone with an ounce of digital savvy or internet experience can perform basic SEO functions. However, you may not have the time to tackle SEO with so many other responsibilities on your plate. For this reason, you may want some pre-launch assistance. Let’s explain:

Almost any SEO agency is going to offer something like an SEO starter service, which provides businesses with a low-risk entry into the world of search engine optimization. These packages typically offer all of the foundational elements of a strong SEO strategy without the high cost or long-term commitment. If you’re looking for a hands-off way to handle all of the tips and techniques we discuss in this article, this is your best bet.

  1. Do Your Keyword Research

Keywords are at the heart of any sustainable SEO strategy. But it’s not a matter of finding a couple of keywords and haphazardly tossing them into every nook and cranny of your website. There needs to be research followed by strategic implementation.

“The structure of your website has a huge effect on its ability to rank,” digital marketer Zara Burke explains. “In order to rank effectively for your target keywords, you need to structure your website so that each page targets its own set of closely related, highly relevant keywords.”

The home page should target the “primary” keywords, while each individual page on the website should focus on secondary keywords that all feed the primary ones. This sort of “webbed” site structure will make your website more searchable in Google’s eyes.

  1. Optimize Title Tags

The average person launching a new website is going to overlook title tags, but they make a significant difference. As internet marketing guru Neil Patel explains, “The title tag on pages of your website tells search engines what the page is about. It should be 70 characters or less and include your business or brand name and keywords that relate to that specific page only. This tag is placed between the <HEAD> </HEAD> tags near the top of the HTML code for the page.”

Make SEO a Priority at Launch

You must stop looking at SEO like something at the bottom of the to-do list – an item you’ll get to when you have a few spare moments. Whether you have firsthand experience with it or not, you have to recognize the role and utility of SEO and how it equates to post-launch success for businesses and their websites.

As this article shows, SEO is manageable. By breaking it down into digestible steps, you can nail down the basics and build a strong foundation that will serve you well as you look towards the future.