Any business thrives in an environment where it is visible and positively portrayed. Conversely, a business that is not visible, and therefore subject to misconception – or worse yet, simply not considered – will likely dwindle and struggle. This is why brand recognition is of the utmost importance, and why businesses, regardless of size and age, need to think critically and proactively about if and how they reach potential customers. One of the most well-known and most effective ways to boost brand recognition is through the use of branded apparel. This article will break down brand recognition as it applies to apparel, first by definition, then function, and finally by merit.

What Is Brand Recognition?

Put simply, brand recognition is the extent to which your target demographic is able to recognise your brand. To push that definition a little further, that recognition also needs to be able to steer the conversation surrounding your brand, as well as portray it positively. It is considered a key strategy in marketing, and though it is utilized by all large businesses, many smaller businesses tend to overlook it.

How Branded Apparel Boosts Recognition

Of all the forms of advertising available to businesses, branded apparel is perhaps the longest lasting, and therefore offers the strongest return on investment. Whereas a billboard fades (and requires a monthly cost), whereas TV ads expire, whereas social media articles vanish any time a page is reloaded, branded apparel continues to make unique impressions for as long as the apparel lasts – which in the case of a well made shirt from a place like R&P Prints could be a number of years. When you give out branded apparel – whether to customers or workers – every time they wear that apparel, they are a mobile advertisement for your brand.


Utilizing The Reciprocity Principle

Another facet of brand recognition is positively portraying your brand, which is where the act of giving out apparel, as opposed to the apparel itself necessarily, is important. The Reciprocity Principle, a psychological phenomenon among people, is the feeling by a recipient of a gift that they owe the giver something. It is utilized in the world of business – and more specifically in marketing – when a company gives away something of value for free. The idea is that the recipient is more likely to return the favour by giving that company their business. This is one of the reasons giving out branded apparel is such an effective to market a business.


Traditional Vs. Social Media Advertising

Whereas the in-vogue method of advertising for many smaller businesses is social media, the bald fact is that it is not a sustainable way of building brand recognition. The ROI is small, and social media users are increasingly wary of paid advertising. This kind of visibility can, in fact, hurt your overall brand.

To conclude, it is key for businesses of all sizes and ages to scrutinize if and how their brand is recognized. And an effective, cost-effective way of doing that is through branded apparel.