One of the most frequent problems that new bloggers face is the inability to get consistent traffic on their blogs. Initially, we all try to get our friends and close relatives to visit our blogs but still fail to get organic traffic. Organic traffic is the best kind of traffic for your blogs as it means you are probably ranking high on search engines which ultimately means your blog is a success. But if getting organic traffic was such an easy task everyone would have successful and popular websites, obviously that’s not the case. So, how to boost organic traffic on your websites? Well SEO is the answer.

Yes, Search Engine Optimization or SEO plays a major role if you want your website’s content to be at the top of any search engine such as Google. So, here are 4 simple yet effective SEO strategies for beginners:

  1. Keyword Planning

If you are writing an article without proper research and planning about the keywords it is as good as not writing about it. By conducting proper research about a topic and targeting high traffic volume keywords will definitely help in bringing more organic traffic to your website.

KWFinder is a tool which will help you in keyword planning. The tool is simple to use and can be useful for beginners.

Following are the steps you need to perform to get a great keyword:

  1. Choose a topic for your article.
  2. Think of a relevant keyword
  3. Search that keyword in KWFinder.
  4. In the result section, check the color. If the color is green, that means the keyword is easy to rank, if it is yellow, it will be slightly hard to rank on the keyword, if it is red, do not waste your time on this keyword, and try other relevant keywords like for ecommerce site, usually need to include Coupons, Deals and other relevant information about brands on which mostly user are targeting.
  5. After ensuring you have chosen a correct keyword, have a look at the search volume section at the left side of your screen, only proceed if the keyword has an adequate amount of traffic (monthly).

2.Inbound and Outbound Links

Linking your content with other content is really significant for the SEO of your website. Whether it is inbound links or outbound links, link building is necessary if you expect a good SEO for your blog.

Most of the bloggers prefer Word press as their CMS because it is easy to use and user-friendly. And, if you are a Word press user, chances are high that you are using Yoast plugin, if not we highly recommend using Yoast for basic SEO management on your website.

If you mention a few relevant websites in your content, you might earn a backlink or two from them too. Backlinks will ultimately help you in improving your Domain Authority, means you did an excellent job in maintaining your website’s SEO.

  1. Alt Tags

Using Alt Tags can be very beneficial for bloggers. Alt Tags are a vital part of SEO as with the help of proper Alt Tags you can drive an insane amount of traffic through Google images on your website.

Mostly we forget about the importance of Alt Tags and miss the opportunity of getting valuable organic traffic. So, make sure every image on your website contains proper AltTags. For example when you are targeting AliExpress Online stores for any cashback site then your Alt Tags will be AliExpress Coupons, AliExpress Promo Code, and AliExpress Offers etc. which will help to rank properly with over a period of time, once you will start on page and off page SEO for your product.


At first sight, you might think what effect can few comments have on my websites ranking? But believe it or not, comments play a huge role in your websites rankings. Initially, you might take the help of your close friends and relatives to write some good comments on your posts. Try this out and observe the changes it will bring on your website.

These were some of the best SEO strategies to use if you are a new blogger. But keep one thing in mind, keep uploading new content on your website.