Part Time MBA Offers Best ROI

Many students are completing an MBA part-time while they continue to work and earn a full-time salary. These part-time programs are a worthy investment for working students who want to specialize in an area relevant to their work and for those who want to make themselves more eligible for a promotion within their company. Working while studying benefits students because they can immediately implement their new skills in the workplace while continuing to build their business profile.

Flexibility is Key

Keeping the job you’ve worked hard for while earning a prestigious degree at the same time is entirely possible as flexible MBA programs that operate outside of business hours have now become an industry standard.

Many people who have spent time working in fast-paced marketing and finance sectors know that it’s important to hold on to the job you have and to plant firm roots. Many small businesses fail because of poor planning, mismanagement of cash flow, bad financial habits, and lack of proper resources and guidance. That’s why employees should learn personal finance to make the most of their income and savings. In fact, many employers look favorably upon employees who are upgrading their skills and some employers will promote from within or even help subsidize an employee’s education. It’s important to stay educated while working in a fast-paced environment and earning an MBA while working will automatically improve certain managerial skills. Earning a coveted degree inevitably improves students’ abilities to manage their time and workload, prioritize tasks and to set deadlines in advance.

Study Off Hours

The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics has a variety of options for evening and weekend courses if you want to complete your MBA part time where classes are available on Friday evenings and Saturdays allowing you to complete your degree on your own schedule — in as little as 2.3 years or spread out over 5 years. There are nine different specialization options: Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Financial Management, International Business Management, Operations Management, Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior & Human Resources Management and Supply Chain Management. There are even options for an MBA with CPA qualifications and a double degree consisting of an MBA and a Master of Finance.

Location Counts

Located in the center of Toronto’s financial district, schools like these are a viable option for students who are already working and want to travel quickly and easily from work to class. Networking while studying is important for students who want to make connections outside the workplace and associate with innovative individuals from around the world who have also been accepted into the MBA program.

You can attend causal social events like the Laurier Finance Meet-up, a networking event put on to connect current and future industry professionals working in the Toronto finance industry. Schools like these offer an AACSB accredited degree that can be completed in a downtown financial hub rather than a university town farther removed from the action.

It takes an adaptable person to keep up with current trends in the business and finance industry. There is no reason why earning an MBA should jeopardize the work you’ve put towards your career because there are so many options to complete a prestigious graduate degree on your own time. Why not pursue an MBA in a global financial capital while you keep up the good work at the job you have already?