Do you know how satisfied your customers are? Is your new product or service meeting the needs of your customers? Are potential customers finding interest in your brand? While every business would love having answers to these questions they don’t take a proactive approach to collecting this information. You can achieve this easily using a survey.

Surveys are the best tool for gathering market intelligence. They help you foresee the upcoming trends before your competitors do and create products and services that are aligned to changing consumer aspirations. But keeping your business ahead of the competition you’d be able to build on its reputation and earn the trust of your customers. Surveys have been employed by business for last many decades but digital media has only made it easier to reach your customers and collect feedback.

Creating a Survey Easily Using Survey Maker             

Creating and running a survey no longer tests your technical know-how. Survey maker allows you create one without having to train yourself hard. They offer you a wireframe structure to build your unique survey complete with visual elements that’ll attract the attention of your target audience. Here we look at creating a survey in four easy steps using an online survey maker –

  • Work on The Design – A visually impressive survey always enjoys higher odds of success. Hence you need to focus on creating a survey that grabs attention immediately. You can select from the wide selection of survey templates available with your survey maker. They have been designed to meet the needs of different kinds of surveys. You can easily customize the survey altering their color scheme and basic structure. If you plan to run the survey on your website make sure the theme blends easily with the overall visual attributes of your website.
  • Create Your Questions – Questions are the most important part of your survey. Depending on the goal of your campaign you should frame your questions in a creative way. Write your questions in a manner which will let users precisely answer the questions the way you want. Add images and video to the survey to make it visually attractive. Also keep the survey short. Ideally you shouldn’t exceed 5-10 questions and if you do, it must be backed by a good reason.
  • Work on Branch Logic – If users’ choice of options in the survey leads to different set of questions you need to work on the branch logic. Be careful at this step as poor logic might turn your survey into an eyesore.
  • When using survey with branch logic you should test the logic thoroughly before going live with your survey.
  • Launch Your Survey – Depending on where you wish to publish it you need to generate a link or HTML codes to publish the survey. In case you wish to publish the survey on your CMS powered website you’d most likely generate codes while a survey maker usually generates a link for surveys published on social media.

Congratulations, you are done! Online survey makers let you create and launch surveys in minutes and you should create one today.

Eric Jones is a seasoned marketer who has effectively used interactive content such as polls, quizzes, and surveys to promote brands and increase interaction between customers and businesses. He has been pursuing tailored campaigns that are targeted towards improving brand recognition, engagement, and sales. As an active blogger, he continuously writes about the use of new digital marketing techniques.