After recommending the Twitter, Blogger Buzz now suggests using Facebook to promote your blog!
As major blogging network has focused on how to drive massive traffic from the Facebook, Blogger team recommends you to put your blog’s feed into the Facebook to keep the latest post appeared on your profile, perhaps to drive some blog promotion!
With the post, Blogger team has referred an effective video tutorial which would show you how to add your blog feed to your Facebook profile. Blogger team also believed that putting your blog feed into your Facebook profile can be effective to keep your friends updated on the latest from your blog. You can follow the post to know more about the story.
I personally have put FalconHive’s feed into my own Facebook profile since December 2008, and the result tells me that unless you are really recognized as a serious blogger in your real life, you won’t drive too much attention and probably traffic by your fellows.
The question that arises in my social marketing at Facebook is that is it really effective to promote my blog to Facebook friend who really doesn’t use Blogger? While I cannot recommend my blog to my real life friend with words on their wall (It’s more like a dreadful spam for them), I cannot even add unrecognized people who I can’t expect them to see my profile page that contains post update daily.
However, I have witnessed the truth that Facebook can drive traffic, perhaps raise some worthy attention to Falcon Hive. You can achieve this by create a fan page and promote it, or publish post summary in some corresponding group like Blogger Group.
How about you? Do you agree to promote your blog through your personal Facebook profile? Did you ever promote your blog through Facebook successfully? I look forward to your opinion, thanks!
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