Today is 2008’s last day, and I would like to take this day to thank all Hive reader that frequently support and help improving this blog.
With the heart of appreciation, I want to represent the Falcon Hive to say to my lovely reader and commentator, ‘Happy New Year’!
I want to share a bit feeling here. It’s an interesting memory that at the first month of the Falcon Hive, the site is pretty cold that I have to think out the way hardly to attract comment. It’s a joy when I saw the first ‘thanks’ comment appeared on my blog, and the feeling was even greater than I received the first profit of Falcon Hive. What I didn’t expect is, more and more reader gave out their thanks and love for our works and more and more I see the participation happened in this blog!
Joyfully, I want to thank all the reader and commentator who praise, support, promote and help improving this blog so much to become such a big thing. I also want to thank to my co-founder, for she has supported and encouraged me during the very hard time of the Falcon Hive. Last but the most important, I want to thank my God, Jesus Christ, for leading me and providing me knowledge so far that I can build up the Falcon Hive to become such a great testimony to honor Him today. You can witness His greatness, as I started the Falcon Hive without any knowledge about Blogger, and even HTML code (honestly, not even a tag). :D
Thanks to you all and Happy New Year 2009!
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