Blogging has become increasingly popular in recent times. There are over 150 million blogs live on the Internet with new ones popping up daily, according to PaperWritingPros. While some of the owners of these blogs simply monetize them with advertising programs, others use these blogs to promote their businesses. Blogging is one of the most powerful and useful tools at the disposal of the business owner. It allows you to generate organic traffic and leads for your business. If you still aren’t sure if having a blog can be beneficial, keep reading.

10 Benefits Of Blogging On Your Website

1. Blogging Improves Your Website SEO

Having a website is good for your company, but many other companies offer similar products or services that also have websites. So, the only way to make your website stand out is to make it optimized for search engines. One of the best ways to optimize your website is to invest in content marketing for which you’ll need a blog. You can post SEO articles on the blog to increase your visibility on search engines. The more traffic you get on your blog, the higher the chances of generating leads.

2. You’ll Build A Reputation In Your Niche

These days, people go to search engines to find out more about a business before they put their money into it. When a prospective customer goes through your website and sees a highly informative blog, they will know that you know what you’re doing. For example, a company that sells insurance can have a blog that talks about the hidden benefits of insurance, types of insurance, etc. All the articles should be unbiased so that the prospects will know that you’re not trying to trick them into buying the things you’re selling.

3. You’ll Build A Network

Building a network is a good way to expand your business. Having a blog allows you to reach out to many influential people who can give you links to even more influential people. As long as you write valuable content, your comment section will always be flooded, and you’ll eventually start receiving emails from people. Apart from this, you can interview industry insiders and post the result on your blog.

4. Build Your Email Subscription List

Having a blog is a perfect way to build your email subscription list. All you have to do is generate great content and add a subscription prompt to your website. If the reader is satisfied with the content, they will be happy to submit an email address. That can be used for sending updates and newsletters. Even if the reader doesn’t need the product or service you’re providing at the time, they may find something they need later. Make sure that you don’t send irrelevant or annoying emails to your prospects. If you do, they may get irritated and end the subscription.

5. Build Trust Online For Your Business

With so many stories of online scams circulating, it makes sense that people have become more conscious about who they patronize online. Having a blog with regular updates is one way to build trust – you are proving to your readers that you are fully committed to them. Having stale content on your blog doesn’t show commitment. You need to make sure that the content is fresh and accurate.

6. Blogging Helps You Get More Shares

When you post amazing content on your website blog along with share buttons, you’ll be giving users the perfect opportunity to share your content. If your content goes viral, there is no way you will not generate some leads from it. At the end of each article, you can ask the reader to share the content with family and friends. There is no shame in that.

7. Get Instant Feedback

A blog provides an avenue for instant feedback about products and services. Clients who have used your product can quickly comment on its efficiency on your blog. Those who are interested in your products or services will be propelled to make a purchase when they see positive comments. You can also make improvements where necessary.

8. Tell Everyone About Your Business

Having a blog on your official company website allows you to tell everyone about your business directly. Many websites will most likely write reviews about you. So, why don’t you get ahead of them and tell the public about what your business is about?

9. Improve Your Writing Skills

Blogging regularly allows you to improve your writing skills. That is something that will come in handy when you want to write business letters, staff letters, or anything else for the benefit of the business.

10. Stay Connected With Your Clients

What’s a better way of creating brand awareness than having a blog? When you have an updated blog, you allow your clients and prospects to connect with your brand. Think of the blog as a personal side of your business. It is an amazing platform for inbound marketing.


Blogging is a great way to create and maintain your brand identity. It is easy to create but requires a commitment to maintaining. If you don’t have the time to update your blog regularly, you can always pay a professional content creator to help you with developing and publishing content. The key is to make sure that your blog is always updated with relevant information.