10 Free Online PDF to Word Converters

There are several reasons why you would want to convert your .pdf files to .doc files. One primary reason why you want to do this is the need to edit text which is very hard to do when you are doing it in a dpf file. So we want it to be converted into a Microsoft Word or .doc file where text editing is relatively easy. Fortunately for us there are some useful softwares or programs online which we could use to convert our files from pdf to doc. It’s easy as plugging in your raw pdf documents and automatically converting them into your desired format.

Here we will be giving you a list of free online pdf to converters. These are browser-based services which you can use without the need to download the program into your local machine. You will need to upload your file into the provider’s servers for conversion and you will be given a way to download the finish products either directly or through your email.

Free Online PDF to DOC Converters

1. ConvertOnlineFree.com

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As it says this offers a 100% free pdf to doc conversion. The conversion will happen in a few seconds and almost instantly depending on the size of your file. The only catch is you have a limit. It says you can only convert files not bigger than 30 MB. This can also convert your file into .docx and other formats too.

2. Wondershare

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Wondershare offers a free pdf to doc conversion online. This feature allows you to convert your small pdf files to doc one at a time. You can only convert up to 10 MB of file. If you have a bigger file you will need to divide them into smaller parts. It offers great conversion. It also has its downloadable feature. This is just a free trial version and you will be asked to upgrade to use its full features.

3. ConvertFiles.com

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Convert Files can actually convert almost any file into any format. You are given the option to upload the file you want to convert from your computer or give a source url. Choose to what format you want it to be converted into and if you want to download the finish product directly from your browser or send it to your email.

4. Zamzar.com

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This online pdf converter offers several document formats as a converted product. You may also upload a file or provide a url where the pdf to be converted is located. You can convert up to 100MB which is higher limit compared to the other three above. You will need to provide your email address where your converted documents will be sent.

5. OnlineOCR.netOnline OCR

This time we have a free  OCR converter. This will take scanned pdf files and convert text images into letters and words. This is best converter if you have a pdf file from scanned books or some handwriting. There is a limit here as a non registered user you can only convert up to 15 images every 60 minutes.  Maximum file is 4mb per uploaded image.

6. ScannedPdftoWord.com

scanned pdf to doc

We got another pdf to word online converter which supports OCR. Your scanned PDF will be converted into editable text or word file sent to your email address. Having said that it means that you will have to provide your email address because you can download your converted file from there.



This one can convert your pdf files to doc or docx formats online. It also allows you to generate files to format you need. Other than that you can also create and edit your files on mobile devices.

8. ConvertPdftoword.net


Our search for online pdf to doc converter has led us to this amazing service. This converter will give you two options. You can either convert your pdf files into .doc or .txt format. Just upload your file and download the converted version.

9. PdftoWord.com


This one is from Nitro PDF Software. It’s an amazing online pdf to doc converter. Just upload your pdf file for conversion, answer the captcha and convert. This is a free online version if you like it you can also download the desktop version and go premium.

10. PdfOnline.com


Lastly we have a pdf to doc online converter which can handle forms, charts, and other special characters on pdf and seamlessly convert them into word document format.  And best of all it’s free.

Now that we have given you a list of free online pdf to doc converters along with its overview you will now have to consider a few things before using anyone of these. make sure to do your own researchread through the site if they have some restriction as to the size of files you are allowed to convert. You may also want to check if it allows batch conversion. Other important factors is knowing if you need an online converter which could convert special characters like mathematical symbols and if it supports OCR ( Optical Character Recognition). Most of these converters can produce an editable converted .doc file. But those that does not support OCR will only convert scanned and handwritten pdf documents into an image file.